On 10 September 2018, Clearstream Banking S.A. started offering settlement, custody
As of the date hereof, the following corporate bonds have fulfilled Clearstream Banking eligibility criteria checks and will be available for foreign investors:
Issuer / ISIN
M2 Real Estate / GE2700603436
Georgian Leasing Company / GE2700603535
Nikora / GE2700603493
Silknet / GE2700603527
Georgian Leasing Company / GE2700603659
Following the amendments to the Georgian Tax
George Paresishvili, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgian Stock Exchange, commented: “Making Georgian corporate bonds eligible in Clearstream is a very significant development for the Georgian capital market and marks another milestone on the road towards making the Georgian market accessible to a much wider universe of foreign investors. With an already strong pipeline of new publicly listed corporate bond issues, we expect their number to grow even further following their inclusion in the Clearstream link.”